Question 1-I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know-Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.
question 2-Hitler looked at the german army as something he could market his racist belifs. He used the army to split up Germany and get rid of the disabled, Roma and Sinti, and other minorities that did not fit in to his idea of an Aryan race.
question 3-Hitler most likely wants to be remembered as a war hero. Someone who brought order to Germany while in reality, most people both now and then hate him.
question 4-They despise him. Both today and in the 1930's, Hitler is remembered as cruel and controlling. They remember him as someone who made Germany at its worst.
question 5-Hitler is remembered terribly. He is just plain evil. With the amount of suffering, trouble and problems he created he could not be remembered too well.