Lei is a 63-year-old single man who works full time in a food-processing plant. He has a history of esophageal cancer, which was treated successfully with anticancer drugs and surgery four years ago. His weight had been stable at 135 pounds until 6 months ago. Since then, he has experienced an involuntary weight loss of 10 pounds. He reports a poor appetite, being overly tired and irritable, and showing signs of apathy. He also reports cracks at the corners of his mouth and a chronic sore throat, which concerns him, given his cancer history. His usual diet is fairly consistent. He states that he rarely eats breakfast because he starts work at 6 a.m. He eats two deli meat sandwiches, "usually pastrami or salami," and a soda at 10 a.m., and may eat a candy bar in the afternoon when he gets off work. He often prepares and eats a frozen dinner or pizza at home in the evening and routinely drinks "about four or five beers" before going to bed. Occasionally, he cooks roast beef and mashed potatoes for dinner and may have cereal with milk for a snack before bed. He rarely eats vegetables or fruit.
1. Considering Let's alcohol consumption, in which B vitamin may he be deficient?
2. Other symptoms that lei reports having also support a thiamin deficiency. Which one of the following would NOT be one of those symptoms? a. Muscle weakness b. Weight loss c. Poor short-term memory d. Od sore throat Irritabaty

Respuesta :

Considering alcohol consumption, Lei may have thiamine deficiency. Of the symptoms presented, sore throat is not caused by thiamine deficiency.

What is thiamine?

  • It's a type of vitamin B.
  • It is an essential water-soluble vitamin.
  • It is a vitamin used in the decomposition of glucose and hydrocarbons.

Thiamine is one of the most important vitamins in the body and is found in foods such as green vegetables, fruits, fish, liver, meat, and cereals. Its deficiency can cause tiredness, irritability, loss of memory and appetite, sleep disturbances, abdominal discomfort and weight loss.

More information about thiamine is in the link:
