2. - En el siguiente texto pinte los adjetivos no connotativos y escriba en la tabla según su clase. "Acompañé a mi amigo a su cuarto. Todo mi afecto hacia él había revivido en esas últimas horas de su permanencia en casa: la hidalguía de su carácter, esa hidalguía de que tantas pruebas me dio durante nuestra vida de estudiantes, lo magnificaba de nuevo ante mí. " "Pero cuando, refrescada la mente, vuelve ella a la memoria horas después, nuestros labios murmuran en cantares su alabanza, y es esa mujer, es su acento, es su mirada, es su leve paso sobre las alfombras, lo que remeda aquel canto, que el vulgo creerá ideal. "

Respuesta :


Translation of all of this:

"2. - In the following text color the non-connotative adjectives and write in the table according to their kind. "I accompanied my friend to his room. All my affection for him had revived in those last hours of his stay at home: the nobility of his character, that nobility of which he had given me so many proofs during our student life, magnified him anew before me. " "But when, my mind refreshed, she comes back to memory hours later, our lips murmur in song her praise, and it is that woman, it is her accent, it is her look, it is her light step on the carpets, which mimics that song, which the vulgar will believe to be ideal. "