This quote applies too our life because as you look into its meaning its explaining how the credit only belong too those who are faced with problems, whos face is damaged or ¨less than perfect¨ from the things they have faced and gone through. The credit does not belong too people who just point and laugh, or just report events and tell tales. The credit belong too the people who rise up again and again despite failing or falling short because if we want too reach our goals we must there is trail and error in effort. Credit belong too people who fight for what is right, whether that be for themselves or other people who are too weak to do it for themselves, who doesn't do it for fame but does it because they know completing the journey or fight is a feeling worth waiting for. We can tie ourselves too this, whether it be facing something as simple at retrying a test over and over until you get it right, or as complicated in staying wrong in a situation where you or others are being hurt.