What Do I Have To Do?
You should now be familiar with what caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To test your understanding, you will organize a timeline of important events. Then you will write a short reponse where you explain the meaning of a statement from your teacher about the Roman Empire.
Step One: Create a timeline using the following dates and events. These dates and events are out of order. You must place them in order on the time line. You can use the Timeline Template or create your own timeline using the following events and dates.
A photo of a color model of ancient Rome showing the Colleseum in the center of the city.
© Public domain
180 CE
96 CE
27 BCE
476 CE
410 CE
324 CE
The new Eastern Roman Empire capital is renamed Constantinople after Emperor Constantine.
The Pax Romana begins.
Odoacer deposes Emperor Romulus Augustus ending the Roman Empire in the west.
Alaric, a Visigoth, invades western Rome.
The Pax Romana ends.
The Emperor Nerva, the first of the Five Great Emperors, takes the throne.
Step Two: Your teacher has told you that:
The fall of the Roman Empire was not due to one event but due to many events combined.
Write a paragraph of five to eight sentences in which you explain what your teacher means by this statement. You must provide at least five well-developed examples, organize your response carefully, and check for accurate spelling and grammar.