Respuesta :


TYhsi is what I would say

Hi grandma I missed you but I got soem exiting news for you .I am turning 13 on April 1st and I wanted you to be there for my first time being a teen. Love you see you there hope you come.



Dear Gramma,

                          It's been so long since I've last seen you! My birthday is coming up soon and even though you live far away, I'm hoping you can make it. I have some amazing news for you. Mum got a new job! She is now an Information Security Analyst and get paids very well! She already took us out for ice ceam 2 times this week! She is very happy and seeing her happy just makes my day. Please write back when you can

I miss you,

                  (name here)

P.S: Tell grandpa I said happy birthday!!