
50 Points help ples..>.<

5. Short Poem Annotation and Analysis: You must find a short poem of your choice and analyze what it means and make annotations. Use the TPCASTT method.

A. You must explain what the poem means in two to three sentences. You may write your two to three sentence analysis on the same sheet as your poem.

B. What form is this poem? (Ode, Lyric, Elegy, Narrative, Sonnet, Ballad). Explain in one to two sentences why this poem takes this form.

C. What elements of poetry are being shown? Choose 3 out of the 7 elements and identify where they are being shown in the poem. Make sure each element you choose is color coded.

i. Symbol
ii. Alliteration
iii. Assonance
iv. Parallel Structure
v. Repetition
vi. End Rhyme
vii. Internal Rhyme

Respuesta :

The poem I've choosed is ," If you're anything like me" by Taylor Swift.

  • The meaning ⇢The poet is referring to their fears and everything they have been gone through, they're saying that if we're anything like them , they're sorry but it's going to be okay at the end of the day.
  • It's an elegy because it discuss fears and fatal flaws of the poet
  • Alliteration ⇢Ruthless , Ruling;who wanted ; garden gate
  • Repeatition⇢If you're anything like me has been repeated right after every para
  • Assonance ⇢golden , prison