Put the events in the correct order.

Daniel Ellsberg leaked the
Pentagon Papers to
The New York Times and
The Washington Post.
The New York Times published
articles that revealed a pattern
of government false statements
to the American people.
The Supreme Court ruled that the
government had not proven their
case for "prior restraint."
The government sued the newspapers
to get them to stop publishing
the information.

Respuesta :


Daniel Ellsberg leaked the

Pentagon Papers to

The New York Times and

The Washington Post.

The New York Times published

articles that revealed a pattern

of government false statements

to the American people.

The government sued the newspapers

to get them to stop publishing

the information.

The Supreme Court ruled that the

the government had not proven their

case for "prior restraint."




1) Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post.

2) The New York Times published articles that revealed a pattern of government false statements to the American people.

3) The government sued the newspapers to get them to stop publishing the information.

4) The Supreme Court ruled that the government had not proven their case for "prior restraint."
