Dan plans to reduce his work schedule and work only half-time for WJJJ in 2021. He has been writing songs for several years and wants to devote more time to developing a career as a songwriter. Because of the uncertainty in the music business, however, he would like you to make all computations assuming that he will have no income from songwriting in 2021. To make up for the loss of income, Freida plans to increase the amount of time she spends selling real estate. She estimates that she will be able to earn $90,000 in 2021.
a. Assume that all other income and expense items will be approximately the same as they were in 2020 (including the prize winnings).
b. Assume that Willie will be enrolled in college as a full-time student for the summer and fall semesters. No changes regarding Gina and Ben.
c. The $3,100 commission received on January 10, 2021, is included in the $90,000 income to be earned by Freida in 2021.
d. The 22% 2020 marginal tax rate remains the same in 2021.
e. Assume a payroll tax rate for FICA and Medicare of 7.65% and the Kentucky state income rate of 4%.
f. Assume Interest income, dividend income, prize income and the standard deduction will be the same for 2021.
There will be a net $__________reduction in salary and wages which will also result in a $__________decrease the Kentucky income tax, a $ ________decrease in the Social Security tax, and Medicare tax. and a $_____________ decrease in the Federal income taxes.