Jack's walk turned into a skip as he realized the snowfall was increasing with every passing minute. He tightened the jacket around his neck and silently thought Why did I not listen to Mom? with anger. Earlier that day, his mom had told him to carry his scarf, gloves, and cap, but he had refused by saying that they made his bag heavy and that he would not need them. It was a pleasant day after all! However, by the time school ended, the ground was covered with snow.

"You should have carried your gloves and cap," Jack's friend, Daisy said, as she trudged along beside him.

"I know!" Jack snapped, telling himself never to make such a mistake again.

They had almost reached Jack's house when Daisy suddenly stopped and began looking around in confusion.

"What is it, Daisy?" Jack asked as he shook uncontrollably.

"I thought I heard a noise," Daisy said, continuing to look around. A nearby dumpster suddenly shook, and the two jumped in surprise.

"What is that?" Jack asked and walked behind the dumpster. To his surprise, he found a dog crouching beneath the dumpster and whimpering in fright.

"Poor thing must be freezing in this cold," Daisy said and gently patted the dog's head. "We cannot leave him here. Jack, your house is close by so you can take him home."

Before Jack could respond, Daisy lifted the dog and put him in Jack's arms.The dog was much lighter than Jack had expected, and Jack looked down at the dog's frightened face. He sighed and wrapped his arms tightly around the dog and jogged home.

When Jack's mom opened the door, her mouth fell open when she saw a trembling Jack carrying a stray dog, but she did not say a word and quietly stepped aside to let them in. Once inside, Jack ran to the fireplace to warm himself and asked his mom for a glass of hot milk. When she brought the milk, he began gulping it down hungrily. But when he noticed the dog looking at him, he stopped and looked at his half-filled glass.

"Here you go, boy," Jack said pouring the rest of the hot milk in a saucer and giving it to the dog. With a grateful look, the dog emptied the saucer, and Jack felt thrilled to see that sharing his glass of milk gave the frightened, little dog such happiness. He ran to the kitchen to fetch some more milk for the dog and himself.

Select ALL the correct answers.

In which two ways does Jack change over the course of the passage?

He feels the need to apologize to his mother for not listening to her earlier and for bringing home the dog.

He regrets being over-confident and not listening to his mother's advice about carrying warm clothes.

He feels happy to have the dog as his friend and decides to adopt him and keep him at home forever.

He stops being self-absorbed in his own problem and puts the problems of the dog before his own.

He starts to become annoyed with Daisy's behavior and decides to reach home as soon as possible.

Respuesta :

He regrets being over confident and listening to his mother about carrying water clothes

He stops being self-absorbed in his own problems and puts the problems of the dog before his own


he regrets being overconfident and not listening to his mm advice about carrying warm cloths

he stops being self absorbed in his own problem and puts the problem of the dog before his own