As you review the student’s work, make sure it accomplishes all of the following.
The model is complete and accurately matches the relief map. 25.0
The model correctly uses different colors to represent different elevations. 10.0
The model includes a key and a scale. 15.0
One type-written paragraph discusses all components of the model, including a description of landform
features and elevations.
One type-written paragraph compares the model and the area where the student lives. 15.0
The paragraph uses proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and formatting. 5.0
Total 100. Assignment Summary
For this assignment, you will construct a model of landform regions in an area of your choice. You will find
a relief map online of the area, then construct your model based on the outline and the landform features
on the map. You will color code the different landforms and their relative elevations. Once you have
completed your model, you will write two paragraphs describing the different landform regions of the area
you chose.
Background Information
Topography is the shape of the land, including the elevation, relief, and landforms that make up the area. b) Use different colors of modeling clay to model different elevations.
i. For example, make the mountains purple, the plains green, the plateaus yellow, and the
hills orange, as in the landform regions map of this lesson. You can use blue modeling
clay for water features.
ii. Be sure to include a key to show what each color represents.
Step 5: Create a type-written paper describing your model.
a) Type a paragraph or two describing the landform regions of the area in detail.
i. Discuss all components of your model.
ii. Describe the types of landform regions and their elevations.
b) Type a pargraph answering the following question:
i. How are the landforms in this area the same or different from those in the area where you
Step 6: Evaluate your project using this checklist.
If you can check each box below, you are ready to submit your project.
 Is your name on your model?
 Did your model show the landforms and elevations shown on the relief map?
 Did you mold the modeling clay to show mountains and hills?
 Did you use different colors to show different elevations and landforms?
 Did you provide a color key?
 Did you write a paragraph describing all components of your model in this paper?
 Did you write a paragraph comparing your model to the landforms in your area?
 Did you double-check for correct sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and spelling in your
Step 7: Revise and submit your project.
a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make
sure that your project is complete.
b) Turn in your model to your teacher along with the printed relief map. Be sure that your name is on them
Elevation shows the height above sea level. Relief is the difference between the highest and lowest part
of an area. Landforms are features of the land, such as oceans, rivers, mountains, plains, hills, and
plateaus. Landform regions are large areas of land where the topography is mainly the same type of
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Prepare for the project.
a) Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project. Pay
particular attention to the instructions for creating a model on your poster board.
b) If there is anything that is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher.
Step 2: Gather materials for the model.
a) Start with a blank cardboard or plastic base for your model. Be sure to put your name on it.
b) Gather your modeling clay and pen/pencil.
Step 3: Find a relief map.
a) Use the Internet to find a reliefe map of the area you want to model. Choose a region that is
different from the region in which you live.
b) Print the map.
Step 4: Create your model.
a) Recreate your land feature on your poster.
i. Draw an outline on your poster of your landform.
ii. Use the modeling clay to form landforms based on the elevations you find in your map.
 Internet access
 Cardboard or plastic model base
 Relief map
 Pen or pencil
 Modeling clay in a variety of color