Written by the hand of Lanyon, what should it mean? A great curiosity came on the trustee, to disregard the prohibition and dive at once to the bottom of these mysteries; but professional honour and faith to his dead friend were stringent obligations; and the packet slept in the inmost corner of his private safe. –The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson What internal conflict does Mr. Utterson face? What inference can you make about Mr. Utterson based on how he resolves the conflict?.

Respuesta :

Written on the outside of the envelope is: "PRIVATE: for the hands of G. J. Utterson Alone, and in case of his predecease to be destroyed unread."

The emphasis on these last two words puzzles Utterson. Reluctantly, he decides to open the envelope.

Which inference about Dr. Jekyll is best supported by evidence in the passage?

He has lost confidence in his judgment because of his involvement with Mr. Hyde.

Poole is conflicted about barring Utterson from the house. Utterson is conflicted about his attitude toward Jekyll.

Jekyll is conflicted about isolating himself from society.

For more information about Lanyon, refer to the link:-
