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I'm especially interested in the proposal to increase the age at which people can get behind the wheel. Some youngsters are still immature; thus, I believe the age limit should be raised. They are unable to drive and as a result, this should be given top priority. The consequences of lowering the driving age would be even worse. Intoxicated or distracted drivers are to blame for the vast majority of collisions. Texting while driving puts teens at higher risk. It's also due to a lack of experience on their part. Young people are still learning to drive while adults have been doing it for decades.
Recent research found that many fatal vehicle accidents involve teenagers. When it comes to driving safety, adolescents aren't as concerned as they should be. More than one state has had great success with "graduated licensing. Organize a demonstration to increase the age of driving. The stakes are high, but you can handle it. If you don't explain why, you want something, you won't get what you want. Your own slogan and advertising materials may be created by you. Raising the legal driving age may be done with the use of flyers, which you can create and distribute. They should have access to a desert where they may practice driving before coming onto public roads, in my opinion.
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