The symbol that should be used is the division symbol. On the other hand, in the result the whole number represents the number of curtains, while the fraction represents a fraction of the next curtain.
What is a fraction?
Fractions are mathematical expressions that show proportions. These can include three elements:
- The numerator: Number above.
- The denominator: Number below.
- A whole number: Optional element.
What should be the symbol to find the number of curtains the tailor can make?
The number of curtains the tailor can make is equal to the total fabric divided by the fabric required for one curtain. Based on this, the symbol should be ÷.
What does the whole number represent in the answer?
The whole number represents the number of curtains. The division of the total fabric and the total fabric required for one curtain will include a whole number and a fraction. In this situation, the whole number represents the number of curtains that can be made from the total fabric.
On the other hand, the fraction will be a part of the next curtain.
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