Let's compare stats...
Feild goals %: .428
Three points made: 251
Three points att: 661
three points %: .380
Feild goals %: .522
Three points made: 114
Three points att: 323
three points %: .353
So statistically speaking, yes, curry is better.
However, there are other factors that you could argue, would make LeBron better.
1. LeBron is older! His stats from his early days might blow curry out of the water!!
There are also rebuttals to LeBron's argument.
1. Curry doesn't have as much playing time. If we look ahead 10 years and compare their even playing times, Curry could be better.
There are endless arguments, and you could go back and forth all day with someone on this subject.
If you're asking whos more legendary? More famous? More powerful? More influential? More gorgeous?
That would be Lebron.