The possessive adjectives to describe this family photo are mi, mis, su, sus.
What are the possessive adjectives?
The main function of possessive adjectives is to show possession or a relationship between one person and another. Here are the most common possessive adjectives:
- My: Mi (singular), mis (plural)
- Her/his/they: su (singular), sus (plural)
- Our: Nuestro (singular, masculine noun), nuestra (singular, feminine noun), nuestros (plural, masculine noun), nuestras (plural, feminine noun)
- Your: Tu (singular), tus (plural)
How to complete the sentences?
Based on this, you need to analyze the subject the sentence refers to and then select plural or singular. The answers are:
- Mi familia.
- Mis abuelos.
- Los padres de mi papá.
- Mi papá.
- Mi mamá.
- Su hermana, mi tía Silvia.
- Mi hermano.
- Su esposa.
- Sus hijos Javier y Laura son mis sobrinos.
Learn more about familia in: