Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Block: _______

Systems Workshet #1

Directions: Place the words in the word bank with the correct body system in the chart.

capillaries large intestine skin

antibodies liver small intestine

arteries esophagus lungs smooth muscle

blood gall bladder mouth spinal cord

bones glands nerves stomach

brain heart nose teeth

bronchi hormones salivary gland trachea

bronchioles kidney skeletal muscle

urinary bladder white blood cells veins skull

cardiac muscle vertebrae epidermis Hair follicle




Arteries, veins, blood, heart,










Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Block: _______

Systems Worksheet #2

Directions: Match the functions to the correct body system. A system may have more than one answer.

__________ 1. Circulatory __________ 6. Integumentary

__________ 2. Digestive __________ 7. Muscular

__________ 3. Endocrine __________ 8. Nervous

__________. 4. Excretory __________ 9. Respiratory

______ ____ 5. Immune _________ 10. Skeletal

A. Removes water, salt, CO2, and urea waste from the body.

B. Produces movement for bones.

C. Responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients, O2, and hormones to and from cells.

D. Converts food into essential nutrients to be absorbed into the blood.

E. Aids in movement and protects vital organs like your brain.

F. Recognizes, attack, and destroy foreign cells or substances that may cause diseases.

G. Responsible for receiving, interpreting, and sending information about the outside environment.

H. Controls internal conditions in your body by making and releasing chemical messengers.

I. Takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide from the body.

J. Helps in regulating body temperature.

K. Allows you to respond to stimuli in your environment.

L. Works with your immune system as the first line of defense against pathogens.

M. Eliminate solid wastes from your body.

N. Works with your circulatory system by producing new blood cells.

O. Produces antibodies after receiving a vaccine.

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Block: _______

Systems Worksheet #3

Directions: Use the functions of each system to complete the chart below. The table lists malfunctions that could occur in your body. You need to list the method in which the malfunction is occurring. Some systems are repeated.

1. What is homeostasis? It maintains body temperature

2. How do you think homeostasis is related to the body systems? It affects the muscular system

System Name Malfunction

Glucose cannot be delivered to your cells.

The pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone causing a person to grow abnormally fast.

Nutrients are not being absorbed into your blood.

Your brain is not protected from harm.

You cannot feel pain.

Your airway is blocked.

Your cells need water, but you do not feel thirsty.

Urea cannot be removed from your cells.

You are not able to fight off a virus on your own.

You cannot sweat to cool down from exercise.

After a concert, it is hard to hear when you leave the venue.

Your diaphragm does not allow you to take in a deep breath.

There is a blood clot in a vein that is stopping blood flow to your heart.

Smoke damage to the lungs inhibits Os and CO2 transfer.

Salt levels are building up in your blood.

You have a cut on your arm that allows bacteria into your body.

You cannot replace red blood cells after losing blood in an injury.