Respuesta :

My new school is really cool, even though it's far from my home. The school is not very big, but it is a very modern school in a brand new building. There are plenty of modern classrooms with the latest technology. There are three science labs, a music room, a huge gym, a drawing room and another for design; there is even a swimming pool. My favorite room is the library. There are plenty of books, but above all there is plenty of space. I like to do my homework there. In my class, we are only 16 students. It's good for learning! The students in the class are nice and I work well with them. I have a new friend; her name is Ludivine. Today in class, we all got a laptop. It's mine until I leave school! I am very happy. I like all my subjects, except maybe maths, because I'm not very good. The teachers are nice but they are strict and they give a lot of homework. Every day, after class, we have extra-curricular activities to choose from. We finish school later, but these courses are useful. We can do new activities that we don't always do in class. I play volleyball every Thursday, I play the piano on Fridays and I am part of the MUN group on Tuesdays. I really like this club. You learn a lot about human rights and international relations. And you, do you like your new school? See you, Christine
So it’s a letter directed to Malika by Christine where she describes all the stuff at her new school.
Like she’s saying that it’s not so big but it’s very cool, really modern with 3 sciences laboratoires rooms and really modern classes with a lot of the last technologies,and she talked a lot abt the rooms there.
After she says that they only are 16, and she got a new friend who’s Ludivine. This day they all received a computer that they will keep till the end of the school , then she’s taking about her subjects and says the teacher are cool but strict, then she says that after school there are extra activities. She’s part of a club named MUN. They are learning about human rules and that stuff