Respuesta :
Step-by-step explanation:
This Is not mathematics btw but here we go
1. Metaphor
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Metaphor
5. Simile
6. Simile
7. Onomatopoeia
8. Hyperbole
9. Onomatopoeia
10. Hyperbole
11. Simile
12. Alliteration
13. Metaphor
14. Simile
15. Personification
Step-by-step explanation:
METAPHOR 1. Books are the keys to your imagination., 6. In our eighth grade concert, we shone like stars., 14. That little girl is as sweet as sugar. He is a walking dictionary., 11. He runs like a horse.
ONOMATOPOEIA 7. Bark-Bark! Bark! The dog woke me up.
SIMILE Gahl Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard!
PERSONIFICATION 4. Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks. old as these hills!, 13. That child is a bear when he is sleepy.., 15. The curtains danced in the breeze.
HYPERBOLE 8. I ate a ton of food for dinner.
ONOMATOPOEIA 9. Buzz-The bee buzzed in my ear.
HYPERBOLE 10. It seems to have been raining for 40 days and 40 nights.
ALLITERATION 12. Sally sells seashells by the sea shore.