Respuesta :
The first amendment gives U.S. citizens freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to petition the government. This means that citizens are allowed to express themselves so long as they do not do so in a threatening manner or in a manner that breaches the peace. Freedom of the press ensures that citizens may fill in spaces that are fully accessible by the public. However, citizens may not record on someone's property without their permission, and obviously cannot be in possession of illegal content (which I will not be going into detail about). The right to peacefully assemble ensures that citizens are allowed to peacefully protest without being harassed, threatened, assaulted, or battered by law enforcement so long as the protestors do not act in a disorderly manner. Lastly, the right to petition the government allows citizens to express their concerns to the government without retaliation. For example, if someone wanted to record a police department that has allegedly violated citizens' rights, investigative journalists could go to the police department, record, or take pictures without interference.