What Do I Have to Do?
You should now be familiar with the process of acting on public policy issues. Use this knowledge and your work from the lesson to create a presentation on your chosen issue.

Complete your CAP file carefully. It contains most of the information you need to finish your assessment.
Choose one of these issues to research:
A state or local issue of your choice, with teacher and parent or guardian approval
Choose one of these formats for your presentation:
letter to a newspaper editor
slideshow presentation
Your presentation should address all the following questions:
What is your chosen issue?
Why is this issue a problem in your state or local area?
What government agencies and citizen groups would likely address the issue?
How will you know the problem is solved?
What are the public policy alternatives to address the issue?
What is one positive and one negative outcome for each possible policy alternative?
What is the best plan to get the policy enacted?
How can citizens get involved to help enact the policy?
Include your sources of information.


Respuesta :

Answer: First read through the CAP that you were given, If you can't find it ask you're teacher if he or she can send you it. Then choose how you want to present it to him or her I would recommend you use slides it's easier, then the problem that you have picked in slide one. you need to write why this is a problem, in slide two then who do you think would be willing to fix the issue for example the government, school board, etc. in slide three you would put how you would know if the problem was solved or no not, in slide three you can also put what public policies would help address the issue, which basically means what laws regard to bullying or are similar that you would use to get people to stop bullying. in slide four you could put how you would get the law or rule enacted everywhere which means how would you make it so this is a law or rule that must be followed would you ask someone in the legal state for help like the president or government. and in the last slide how would you get people to help you out, would you offer them something in return or post flyers etc.
