A correlation coefficient suggest that how well the line of data best fits in the data set.
The the correlation coefficient for the set of data shown is -0.21
Correlation coefficient is used to calculate that how strong the relationship is between the two variables.
A correlation coefficient suggest that how well the line of data best fits in the data set.
The more the value of the correlation coefficient (between +1 to -1), the better the line fits in the data set.
The value of the correlation coefficient must be between 1 to -1 otherwise the error in the correlation coefficient occurs, when finding its value.
Given information-
The data set given in the problem is,
[tex]A(1,4), B(2,1.5)C(3,3)D(4,4)E(5,2)[/tex]
The formula to find correlation coefficient is,
[tex]r=\dfrac{\sum(x_i-\overline x)(y_i-\overline y)}{\sqrt{\sum(x_i-\overline x)^2\sum(y_i-\overline y)^2} }[/tex]
Here, [tex]x_i, y_i[/tex]values of the [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]y[/tex] variables in the sample and [tex]\overline x, \overline y[/tex] is the mean of the x and y variables.
Put the values from the data set, we get,
Hence the the correlation coefficient for the set of data shown is -0.21
Learn more about the correlation coefficient here;