
Fortas use the word divorced in the third sentence. What two things does he see as divorced from one another?

Fortas use the word divorced in the third sentence What two things does he see as divorced from one another class=

Respuesta :

Justice Abe Fortas delivered the verdict that the armbands were a form of speech or protest which was divorced from the actions and or conduct of the protest in itself.

The Tinker Vs Des Moines Independent Community School District Case

The summary indicated above is related to the case cited above which was decided on the 24th of February 1969.

A group of students had held a meeting where they decided that they would support, by way of wearing a hand band as well as demonstration, the truce in the Vietnam war.

The school authority learned about the plan and moved to prevent it. This ultimately resulted in the court case cited above.

Learn more about Tinker Case in the link below: