Plz help!!!
1. From chess etiquette (manners/behavior), what does Waverly learn about maturity in life? (Hint: Think about what Waverly learns about life through playing the game and the rules of the game of chess.) Explain and support your ideas/claims with text evidence.
2. “Proper Chinese humility” requires Waverly’s mother not to boast about her daughter’s chess skills. How does she really feel about Waverly’s success? Explain and support your ideas/claims with text evidence.
3. Why does Waverly start winning more chess games? Explain and support your ideas/claims with text evidence.
This is my answer for number 3, Let me know what you guys think! Feel free to leave any suggestions if I should add or take out anything or just leave it as it is! :D
Waverly started winning more chess games because she started to realize the things she did wrong and the different techniques while playing chess with Lau Po; he helped her based what he knew all about chess. Since he helped her, Waverly has again gained even more skills and strengths even after gather information from books to be able to defeat other opponents in chess. I know this in light of the fact that in the text, it states, “I lost many games and many Life Savers. But over the weeks, with each diminishing roll of candies, I added new secrets. Lau Po gave me the names. The Double Attack from the East and West Shores. Throwing Stones on the Drowning Man. The Sudden Meeting of the Clan. The Surprise from the Sleeping Guard. The Humble Servant Who Kills the King. Sand in the Eyes of Advancing Forces. A Double Killing Without Blood. There were also the fine points of chess etiquette. Keep captured men in neat rows, as well-tended prisoners. Never announce “Check” with vanity, lest someone with an unseen sword slit your throat. Never hurl pieces into the sandbox after you have lost a game, because then you must find them again, by yourself, after apologizing to all around you. By the end of the summer, Lau Po had taught me all he knew, and I had become a better chess player.” It seems to be that if Waverly had never met Lau Po, she wouldn’t be in the place where she’s at right now and that is being a master at chess with the secrets she knows. Waverly will be known as the best chess player.