Respuesta :
Omnipotent : having unlimited power
Abominable : exceptionally bad or displeasing
Incensed : angered at something unjust or wrong
Avail : a means of serving, be useful to
Ascribe : reference, attribute or credit to
Contriving : make or work out a plan for devise
Sovereign : A nation's ruler or head of state
antonym of incapable : Capable, Competent
Synonym for creating : Build, compose, Construct
Synonym for Ruler : Boss, Head, king, Emperor
Antonym for adored : admire, cherish
synonym for assign : appoint, select, allow, hire
powerless: lacking power, defenseless, helpless
Sophisticated strategy : displaying good taste, wisdom, subtlety
Synonym for full of Hope : antisipating, optimistic
Antonym for unhelpful : helpful, cooperative, polite
Omnipotent means "all-powerful."
Abominable describes something that is hated or loathed.
Incensed means "to be full of rage."
Avail means "making use of something or someone."
Ascribe means "to give" or "assign."
To contrive is to come up with a sophisticated strategy.
Sovereign describes having supreme power or control over something, such as a territory.
Plato given answer