1.what is the Intended Audience of this document?
2.what is the Historical Situation in this document?
3.what is the point of view of this document?

The men of Tauris [Tabriz] get their living by trade and handicrafts, for they weave many kinds of beautiful and valuable stuffs of silk and gold. The city has such a good position that merchandize is brought thither from India, Baudas, Cremesor, and many other regions; and that attracts many Latin merchants, especially Genoese, to buy goods and transact other business there; the more as it is also a great market for precious stones. It is a city in fact where merchants make large profits.

Respuesta :

1. The purpose of the document is to detail out the major roles and responsibilities of the military commander of the United States of America to establish the rule of law in their recently gained territory, the Philippines.

2. The intended audience is the Military Commander.

“In performing this duty, the military commander is enjoined to make known to the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands the authority of the United States is to be exerted...”

“It will be the duty of the commander of the forces of occupation to announce...”

“Finally, it should be the earnest wish and paramount aim of the military administration to win the confidence...”

3. The words were called out so that the Military Commander would make it a primary message of his administration, to convince the people to believe the words.

4. Those who support the new government will enjoy its support and protection, whereas those who do not support will be dealt with by the law as firmly as possible.

5. The text points out that though military laws of the United States reign supreme, municipal laws of the territory regarding private rights and property and the repression of crime are to be considered as continuing in force.

6. “... and by proving to them to that the mission of the United States is of benevolent assimilation substituting the mild sway of Justice and right for arbitrary rule”

“All ports and places in the Philippine Islands in the actual possession of the land and naval forces of the United States will be opened to the commerce of all friendly nations”.

“All goods and wares not prohibited for military reasons will be admitted upon payment of such duties and other charges as in force in the time of their importation”.

7. The victory over the Spanish and the signing of the treaty of peace between the two nations, showing the ceding of any previous authority the Spanish had to the United States of America.