5. You have just read "Holodomor: Memories of Ukraine's silent
massacre" by David Stern. Based on paragraphs 19-26, what
connection can you make between the Holodomor massacre
and Animal Farm Chapter VII? Refer to evidence from the
article and Chapter VII to support your response.
in your response make sure to use summary in your writing to: present evidence from parts of the texts that are too long to quote directly.

Respuesta :


Men were silent about what was happening when people were starving to death. Animal Farm also has famine and it is created by Napoleon. He is an example of Stalin. Stalin knew people were going to starve and die. He did not care. Napoleon sold stuff from the farm to make money to build his windmill.

The situation in the Ukrainian SSR was someone causing death and looking the other way. Napoleon, on the farm, was going to take care of himself. He did not care that the chickens/hens were all dying. His "people" would starve, just as the animals did.

The Manor Farm symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union when they were under communist rule. Animal Farm is really a picture of any place that has a madman running the program and killing off the weak.


The article is based on genocide by the Soviet regime in the year 1933 that lead to the death of millions of people.

What is the connection between the Holodomor massacre and Animal Farm Chapter VII?

Holodomor massacre was known for the Ukrainian famine that created starvation and inflicted death. However, Animal Farm reflected how animals struggled to rebuild windmills where again animals died and starved.

Therefore, in the article, Farm symbolizes the situation of Russia and the Soviet Union where many people died due to communist rule.

Learn more about Holodomor Memories here:
