Respuesta :

Although I cannot provide you with a whole essay, I can give you topics and ideas to develop into one, as well as tips on how to do it. The following are the topics:

  • Let's agree with the affirmation that having one or two really close friends is better than having many casual acquaintances.
  • Acquaintances are fun to have, but they are only superficial. They are the type of friends who will always be willing to go out for a drink and have a good time, but that is all there is to it.
  • A good, close friend, on the other hand, is one who will be there for better or for worse.
  • Good friends tell you their real opinion about something, even if it is painful, because they want what is best for you.
  • Good friends will drop everything and come to your aid when you are in need.
  • One good friend is, thus, worth dozens of acquaintances.

How to develop topics into an essay:

  • If you use the topics above to write an essay, for example, try to think of examples that will help your reader visualize the difference between acquaintances and close friends.
  • Use personal anecdotes or general examples of how acquaintances behave versus how close friends do.
  • Remember that an essay must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • Your opinion should be clearly stated in the introduction, and then developed throughout the essay. The examples will function as evidence that prove your opinion right.
  • Do not add new information to the conclusion. Only restate your opinion in fewer words.

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