Respuesta :


Class : U.K.G.

Subject : English

Q.N.1. Write the name of Seven Days of a week. 14

_________________________ ________________________

_________________________ ________________________

_________________________ ________________________


Q.N.2. Make singular name in to plural. 6

a) bed ____________ b) ant _______________ c) duck ______________

d) bus _____________ e) girl ______________ f) glass ________________

Q.N.3. Write the name of any five colors. 10

1) __________________ 2) _________________ 3) ___________________

4) ___________________ 5) __________________

Q.N.4. Use 'A' or 'An' 6

a) _______ axe b) ________ cat c) _______ eagle

d) ______ boy e) _______ iron f) _______ urn

Q.N. 5. Write the missing vowel letters. 5

a) H____n b) C___t c) P___g d) c ____w e) F____n

Q.N.6. Write down the words starting with in sound 'g' 10

a) _______________ b) __________________ c) ____________

d) ________________ e) ________________

Q.N.7. Rewrite the name of 12 months in correct order from. 12

March, June, January, April, February, July, May,

September, November, December, October, August.

1) _________________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________

4) ________________ 5) _______________ 6) _________________

7) _______________ 8) _____________ ___ 9) ________________

10) _______________ 11) _______________ 12) _______________

Q.N.8. Use 'This' or 'These' 10

a) _____________ is a mango. b) ____________ are birds.

c) ___________ are cats. d) __________ is an egg.

e) __________ is a flower.

Q.N.9. Answer the following questions. 10

a) What is your name ?

Ans ……………………………………………………………………………

b) Who are you?

Ans .........……………………………………………………………………….

c) How are you?

Ans ………………………………………………………………………………

d) What is your school's name?

Ans ………………………………………………………………………………

e) How old are you?

Ans ……………………………………………………………………………….

Q.N.10. Re-arrange the jumbled words. 12

a) Snuday _____________ b) Jneu _________ c) Hne ___________

d) Fne ____________ e) Aex ___________ f) Bxo ___________