Groundwater is defined as the water that is found in the underground cracks and spaces present between the sand and rocks.
The unsaturated zone of the groundwater is the region present above the groundwater table. In the unsaturated zone, sold, rocks, air, and impurities are found. The water in the unsaturated zone is not potable.
The saturated zone of groundwater is defined as the water present beneath the unsaturated zone. The top part of the saturated zone is referred to as the water table. The pores, rocks, and spaces are filled with water. The soil is completely saturated with groundwater.
The water table is the boundary between the soil surface and air. It is found in the upper region of the saturated zone. It separates groundwater and the surface of the land.
Thus, the groundwater is divided into saturated, water table, and unsaturated zones.
Learn more about groundwater here: