Here is the riddle, straight from the mathematician's mouth: “Three gods, A, B, and C, are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is completely random.

Respuesta :

The riddle above is a puzzle to test one's ability to be very logical.

The answer to the riddle was provided by a Logician and Philosopher named G. Boolos.

What is the answer to the riddle?

  • He explains that a single god may be questioned more than once.
  • A question is allowed if they are related to the previous
  • The character of random is explained as a fair coin hidden in his brain. He speaks the truth or tells a lie depending on whether the coin lands on the heads or tails respectively.

See the attached image for the full riddle and the link below for more about the other Logic Puzzles Ever:

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