Respuesta :

  • Only Nazis or blood related people of Germany would enjoy the protection of the German empire. Marriages betwan Jews and Germans were forbidden. Jews were also forbidden to fly the national flag, expelled from government services and forced to confiscate their properties.
  • Jews were kept in Jewish houses in Germany and in ghettes. They had to surrender all their wealth before they entered a ghetto. These ghettos and Jewish houses became commen sites of extreme poverty and misery.
  • Jews from Jewish houses, ghettes and concentration camps from Europe were brought to death factories by goods brains. In Pand, Belzek, Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno and Majdanek, they were charred in gas. chambers. Mass killings took place with scientific precision.

Hope you could understand.

If you have any query, feel free to ask.

The Nazis treated their enemies differently based on race but in general treated them as subhuman.

Nazis and their enemies

  • Nazis hated Jews and subjected them to mass killings, forced labor, starvation, and segregation.
  • Nazis also hated Communists and meted out the same treatment as Jews to them.

Nazis also used their enemies as scientific subjects for the most heinous of experiments.

In conclusion, Nazis treated enemies as subhuman and committed atrocities against them.

Find out more on Nazi atrocities at