You are an anthropologist in the distant future, preforming an excavation and investigation of 21st century items. You have no written records of the 21st century, and can only draw conclusions based on what you see firsthand. What would you think about the image attached? What would it tell you about what society was like. There are no wrong answers.

You are an anthropologist in the distant future preforming an excavation and investigation of 21st century items You have no written records of the 21st century class=

Respuesta :


I will tell you this society is kind of like a mixed object like it's envisioning the tree and it's getting cut down so I feel like that would envision a revolution not really a revolution but an enlightenment time where people are growing and they are doing things that are helping the world but also not helping in a way so people are learning right from wrong and they are fixing loose ends in a society.