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Ways to handle a person with Alzheimer's disease is that you need to come up with a repeating routine so that once they get used to that they are able to do day to day things without being overwhelmed of not knowing what to do next.
Another way is by making sure to pay attention to the persons emotions and behaviors so that your able to react based on that emotion
Also, by doing memory test so that they are able to strengthen their memory slowly day by day depending how bad their Alzheimer's disease is
Finally, another way to handle a person with Alzheimer's disease is by accepting their behavior and learning how to work with it and make a better situation from that behavior
Ways to react to a person with Alzheimer's disease is very simple especially when it comes to behavior.
Mad:If the person is upset then it makes more sense to give the person space and time to be able to want to express their feelings to you if they chose to if they don't then that is when you should try and engage into a conversation that is about why they are mad that specific day and what can make their day better.
Happy:If the person is in a happy mood it is ALWAYS good to let that person know that they are doing very very well today and also by making sure that their mood stays happy.
Always try to keep them calm. If they think you are a person that isn’t you then pretend for that time. They will eventually remember and get their memory back after a bit. It kind of depends. It’s not the same for Everyone