1 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. When we leave, call the dog into the house and lock the doors.
b. Leave your wet clothes into the dryer for a few more minutes.
c. Leta brought that ceramic figurine in the country from Holland.
d. The guides put the pamphlets on kayaking in the box.
2 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Polly and Sara both chose new ten-speeds at the bike shop last
b. Everyone can chose at least one book at the book fair.
c. Mark and Liam choose to do their homework in study hall
d. In the past, the principal always choose Mom as a teacher's
3 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Will you take some fruit when you come over?
b. Robert should take a telescope to the observatory when he comes.
c. The students may bring their pets away when Pet Day is over.
d. Mrs. Wong told the kids to take their term reports home.
4 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. There are two dress styles to choose among.
b. Just among you and me, Bob, I think it's a crazy plan.
c. Luke and Eli put the juice and the bowl of popcorn between them.
d. It's difficult to split this grapefruit between three people.
5 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. What do they sell in here beside old comic books and records?
b. Tina plopped herself down besides her uncle and started
c. There is nothing to eat in this house beside healthy snacks.
d. No one in my family besides me cares for this spinach dip.
6 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. The team members arrived at the stadium all together.
b. The principal and several students took a flight to Moscow
c. My room looks all together different now that it has new
d. It would be less nerve-racking if we went to the office
7 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Priscilla is already to make her grand entrance onto the stage.
b. You'd all ready finished the puzzle by the time I got here.
c. Burt already rehearsed his part in the operetta today.
d. Have you all ready ordered new gym uniforms?
8 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Ezra enjoys any kind of juice accept tomato.
b. Berry's will except applications until May 10.
c. I've read nothing by Gary Paulsen accept HATCHET.
d. Because of the blizzard, no one except Jorge made it to
9 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Mei Su should talk to someone whose experience is in that field.
b. Shara stayed overnight with a girl whose currently enrolled
c. Belinda requested that I find out who's videotape this is.
10 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. The egrets lowered they're heads to the water, looking for fish.
b. Their not renewing my favorite television series next year.
c. If they're intending to apply, I wish they would hurry up.
11 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Danika is convinced that she is more intelligent then Paula.
b. Take the lever in both hands; then crank it vigorously.
c. If you want to see the sun rise, than you ought to set an alarm
12 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. I set the silverware on the table and got out the mats.
b. There should be a place for everyone to set around the table.
c. Don't sit the damp towel on the polished wood.
13 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. This tennis net is way too low; let's rise it.
b. The mallards flap their wings and raise into the air.
c. The fans rise to their feet in anticipation of the starting
14 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Trent is going to lose the bet he made with me.
b. If I loose my retainer, my orthodontist will be annoyed.
c. The knob on this dresser drawer is lose.
15 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Derrick needs to leave for his eye doctor's appointment soon.
b. Mrs. Yamada says to leave them go to the convenience store.
c. Sophie, leave your sister use the shampoo!
16 Answer:
Select the letter of the sentence in which all words are used
a. Ms. Hendrix is determined to learn her students to love
b. That television show helped learn me to recognize haiku.
c. Geraldo and I teach our brothers games we play in gym class.