How I can answer this question, NO LINKS, if you answer correctly I will give u brainliest!

So for the question:
Approximately 1,000,000 people cross the Shibuya Crossing intersection eachday:
A.) 1 x 10^6 people
1 times 10 to the sixth power (which is 1000000) is 1000000
Hoped that helped:P
Then for the next question:
Choose the best approximation of the number of minutes in each day.
A) 1 x 10^3 minutes
if you round 1440 up to 2000 or down to 1000 youll get 10^3
Hoped that helped:P
Then for the last question:
Approximarely how may people cross the Shibuya crossing each minute?
A.) 1 x 10^3 people per minute
Now remmeber this is approximently so its not the actually amount.
Hoped that helped:P and fyi u should of put this as more points it was a lot of work.