Respuesta :

3. At, on
4. On
5. At
6 into
7 in
8. In
9 into
1. The president lives in New Delhi in India.
2. She died in 2002.
3. They came to the party at 8:00 p.m. on Monday.
4. Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1616.
5. They left for the airport at dawn.
6. The guest walked into the auditorium.
7. The audience was waiting for the Chief Guest in the auditorium.
8. The goldfish was in the jar.
9. A tadpole jumped into the water.
10. She went into the kitchen to cook.

1. Air Deccan is flying behind time.*
2. She reached the venue after the party had started.
3. She danced by herself at the party.
4. Between all his assignments, he still found time to help me.
5. What is the time by the Clock Tower in the marketplace?
6. He is a Christian by birth.
7. The son entered with his father and stood by him.
8. She will stay with me after/till Monday morning.**
9. The teacher distributed the sweets among the students.
*I don’t really understand what this one is trying to say, so l just took it to mean that they were running behind schedule.
**This one could honestly be either one, saying she is going to start staying with the person after Monday or that she will stop staying with the person after Monday. It’s your call, as you know more than me about the assignment and your instructor’s thought process, but I would probably go with “till”.
Universidad de Mexico