Respuesta :
The Chocolate Touch is the story of a boy who truly learns to think less about himself and more about others. He loves candy, particularly chocolate, and his parents beg him to eat more healthily, but he pays them no mind. One day, he purchases the most delicious piece of chocolate he has ever eaten from a mysterious candy shop, and the next day discovers that everything that touches his mouth turns to chocolate. At first he is thrilled, but then realizes that he cannot eat food, drink water, or even play his trumpet without it all turning to chocolate, and he begins to wish to turn back to normal. This wish grows more intense when he kisses his mother and turns her to chocolate. Horrified at what he has done to her, he rushes back to the candy store he bought that fateful chocolate from and selflessly offers to suffer from his “chocolate touch” forever in exchange for the restoration of his mother. The owner of the shop tells him that he has learned his lesson of selflessness and that his mother will be back to normal and his “chocolate touch” will be cured. When he leaves the shop, it disappears, perplexing him, but thoughts of his mother dominate his mind, and he hurries back to his house. Back at home, everything returns to normal, with one minor difference: our main character eats far more balanced meals than before and thinks more about others. In conclusion, in The Chocolate Touch, a boy learns an important lesson of selflessness after a strange ailment forces him to consider others more thoughtfully.