As you read lines 1-38 of "Who Understands Me But Me, begin to collect and cite text evidence. .

a. Identify each thing the speaker lives without in lines 1-16.

b. Explain what setting the speaker evokes in lines 1-16.

c. Explain what the speaker finds when he follows the tracks (lines 30-38).

Respuesta :

After reading the poem "Who Understands Me But Me," we can answer the questions in the following manner:

A. In lines 1-16, the speaker says he lives without the following things:

  1. Water
  2. Treetops
  3. Sunshine
  4. Going places
  5. Tears
  6. Heart
  7. Future
  8. Friends
  9. Passage out hell
  10. Brothers

B. The setting the speaker evokes is of a prison, where he has no freedom and no happiness.

C. When the speaker says he follows the tracks in lines 30-38, he finds parts of himself that help him live happily, even without all those things.

What is the poem about?

  • By Jimmy Santiago Baca, the poem "Who Understands Me But Me" refers to his experiences in a maximum security prison. Baca describes it as a place he is deprived not only of freedom, but also of happiness, future, and friends.
  • However, toward the end of the poem, Baca finds the strength to be happy inside himself. He finds reasons to laugh and to ways to see beyond the walls that imprison him.

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