
Write a two- to three-sentence objective summary

Medieval culture has never fully disappeared from popular culture. Judging by the large number of medieval-themed books and movies, it's more popular than ever. Much like today, the characters in these medieval works all had clearly defined jobs or roles to play. Like today's occupations, these roles were all part of a process of career growth. For example, knights only became knights after a long, three-step process. If, at the age of seven, a boy displayed very good manners, smarts, and courage, his parents might decide they wanted him to become a knight. He would spend the next seven years as a page, performing simple duties such as helping knights with their horses and armor. After completing training as a page at around age 14, the boy would become a squire. A squire took on more responsibility and received more hands-on instruction in fighting and battle strategy. He would sometimes ride into battle with a knight and assist him. In some cases, the squire would even be required to fight in the knight's place if the knight was injured. At the age of 21, the squire was eligible to become a knight. First, he had to prove himself worthy by showing great bravery, wisdom, and devotion. worthy, he would be knighted in a ceremony where he vowed to protect his kingdom. Knights perform very different tasks from doctors, teachers, or professional athletes, but in each of these careers, there is a long process with clearly defined steps for moving up. Perhaps this is one of the reasons medieval culture has always fascinated us — it has a sense of order that never went out of style

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So, Medieval culture you will still see it today. Such as when you read a book or a Medieval themed movie it’s there you just might have to use your brain to find it. The reason being Medieval culture is still here is because the order of it the principles of it if you will fascinate us to great lengths making us reach a little bit farther into our creative outlooks.
Medieval culture can be found today. It is found in books, movies, play’s, and more. Because of this past, people can be affected by it. They can be inspired by the past which adds up to it being in today’s culture.