Respuesta :

In ethical terms yes, people in the worst of cases become addicted to social media , finding it difficult to resist.

This question can also be a debate topic,it’s a matter of opinion.


Yes and No (Opinion)


Social media is quite addicting to most people including me and my friends; we are on social media for an average of 3-5 hours a day. Social Media can be time consuming once you start looking at social media. My friend describes it as "I just look at my phone to check notifications or other stuff and when I finally look up and realize its been like an hour already". It really depends on the person for whether or not social media is a drug or not. Some people like my moms friends say that they only spend like 1-2 hours on social media including texting and planing meet ups with other friends. So its a matter of what type of person you and other people are and what you like.