
Review Questions
How can inductive reason and deductive reason be thought of as opposites?
Why is it important to be able to analyze the reasoning an argument in a public speech has been based on?
Why is it important, as a rhetorician, to understand how opinions are formed?
Why is a counterclaim used in the Toulmin Method?
Why should main points be limited in a speech?

Critical Thinking Questions
Do you think there are any situations where it is acceptable to hold an opinion that isn’t based on fact but on personal experiences alone? Explain your answer.
Do you think you should always add all the supporting evidence you have gathered from your research into a speech? Explain your answer.
When do you think it would be appropriate to organize a speech chronologically? Explain your answer.
When do you think it would be appropriate to organize a speech spatially? Explain your answer.
How important do you think the conclusion of a speech is? Explain your answer.