Write the function void sort2(double* p, double* p) that receives two pointers and sorts the values to which they point. To test the function, write the main function that prompts the user to enter two values and then print out the sorted values. If you call sort2(&x, &y) then x <= y after the call.

Respuesta :

The function illustrates the use of pointers.

Pointers are used to store address in programming languages such as C and C++.

The program in C language where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

//This defines the function

void sort2(double* p1, double* p2){

   //This declares a temporary variable t

double t;

//If p2 is less than p1,

if (*p2 < *p1) {

    //The next 3 lines swap their values

    t = *p2;

    *p2 = *p1;

    *p1 = t;


//This prints p1

printf("%f ", *(p1));

//This prints p2

printf("%f ", *(p2));


//The main method to test the function begins here

int main(){

double x = 23.0;

double y = 14.1;

sort2(&x, &y);

return 0;


//The program ends here

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