Respuesta :
Part 1. Organization, Finance, and Management
Chapter 10. Office of the Commissioner Internal Revenue
Section 3. Standards for Using Email
1.10.3 Standards for Using Email
Manual Transmittal
November 17, 2016
(1) This transmits revised IRM 1.10.3, Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Standards for Using Email.
This IRM provides guidelines for using email in the most effective and productive manner. It includes guidance on formatting messages in a way that will be easily accessible for all employees, including those using the Enterprise Remote Access System (ERAP). It also includes information on security guidelines, creation and use of distribution lists, and contacts for assistance with email issues.
Material Changes
(1) Text has been revised to clarify and update information including web site references.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 1.10.3 dated November 12, 2015, is superseded.
All IRS employees
Effective Date
Terry Lemons
Office of Communications (11-17-2016)
Email is now commonly used in business as an official form of communication, often replacing memorandums, meetings or phone conversations. This technology option is often the most efficient way to handle business communications and responsibilities. But its benefits can lead to burdens if we do not use this powerful tool judiciously. This section defines the standards for email use in Internal Revenue Service communications. (11-17-2016)
Email messages are official documents and should reflect this perspective. Email communications can be offered as evidence in court and can be legally binding. Before sending an email, you must consider how it reflects on the Service's image and take into account privacy, records management, and security factors.
The privacy of email cannot be assured and is easily compromised. Messages can be forwarded to unintended recipients (sometimes outside the agency or even outside the government). The public we serve, or the Congress, who may have occasion to see an email message, do not differentiate between employees as individuals and our agency. We are the IRS.
More information on the Service’s email security policy is available at Cybersecurity's policy. Refer to the Electronic Mail (Email) Security section and the Privately Owned Email Accounts section of IRM 10.8.1
No officer of employee of the IRS may use a personal email account to conduct any official business of the government. For details, see the interim guidance in PGLD-10-0616-0003. “Using IRS and Personal Email Accounts” (to be incorporated into the Email section of IRM IRM 10.5.1Privacy Policy).