How does increasing the frequency of a wave affect the wavelength of the wave?

How does increasing the wavelength of a wave affect the frequency of a wave?

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How does increasing the frequency of a wave affect the wavelength of the wave?

The frequency is defined as the number of full wavelengths that may be completed in a given unit of time (f). The frequency (F) and energy (E) of a wavelength drop as the wavelength's size rises. As a result of these calculations, you may have noticed that the wavelength grows shorter as the frequency rises. The wavelength increases in length in proportion to the reduction in frequency.


How does increasing the wavelength of a wave affect the frequency of a wave?

The frequency (F) and energy (E) of a wavelength drop as the wavelength's size rises. As a result of these calculations, you may have noticed that the wavelength grows shorter as the frequency rises. The wavelength increases in length in proportion to the reduction in frequency.


This isnt exactly an answer, but it should help if you need a general grip on the subject. Its simply an example or model.


It is sort of like being on the road. If you want to get to your destination, you have to follow the correct path or paths, meaning you dont want to steer out of lane because if you do it will be even harder to get where you were going. So as long as you can get a general direction of the frequency you can narrow it down you can find where you are going.