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Answer & Explanation:
Overly large population of any herbivore = them eating large amounts of any type of vegetation. Which means that for the woods there are less grasses/vegetation and it will end up causing other animals to starve therefor messing with the food chain.
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Wesselman Woods is a preserve located within city limits in urban Indiana. It is mostly old growth, hosts rare flowers (e.g. orchids), and is swampy in the spring. The carrying capacity for deer in the preserve is 4-5, but the actual population was estimated to be 45 deer based on a transect droppings study. There was also evidence of a heavy browse line on all understory below four feet. An overly high deer population may damage plant populations and ultimately reduce its own health. The stakeholders are anyone who uses or lives near the preserve (botanists, parents, nature-lovers, hunters, veterans, etc)
Describe the situation in Wesselman Woods. What was the evidence that the deer population was too high? Why was this concerning? Who are the staekholders?