a human organ is being prepared for transplant. in what type of solution must it be bathed?
A. A hypertonic solution
B. A hypotonic solution
C. Pure water containing solutes
D. A solution with the same osmolarity as the organ tissue

Respuesta :

it must be bathed in a solution with the same osmolarity as the organ tissue.. inorder for it not to gain or lose its solute concentration.

I it is placed in a hypotonic solution it will gain water and eventually burst and if placed in a hypertonic solution it will lose water and shrink.

it must be bathed in solution with the same osmolarity as the organ tissue.

Osmosis allows for the diffusion of water from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.

Osmolarity measures the amount of solute concentration

For an organ place in a hypertonic solution i.e solution that has a higher solute

  • organ bathed in a hypertonic solution will continue to absorb in more water which can eventually burst the organ when it is too much

For organ in  hypotonic solution i.e solution that has a lower  solute concentration

  • organ bathed will have to lose more solution because itself has more solute than the solution and can lead to shrinkage

but when the osmolarity is the same the Organ will have the same solute concentration as the solution and will help keep the organ in its original form, it will not absorb or lose any solution.

for further details on solution osmolarity please check https://brainly.com/question/3643085