1. Plant can thrive due to abundant sunlight for photosynthesis and new, nutrient-rich soil made of cyanobacteria and deteriorating rock.
2. Cyanobacteria were the first photosynthesizing organisms and Cyanobacteria lived in the ocean.
3. Oxygen increase weathering leads to formation of soil.
Factors made the land a place where the first land plants could thrive are abundant sunlight for photosynthesis and new, nutrient-rich soil made of cyanobacteria as well as deteriorating of rock.
Cyanobacteria were the first photosynthesizing organisms that lived on Earth 3 billion years ago. Cyanobacteria live anywhere on the earth where light and moisture is available i.e. in the open oceans, lakes and streams, in soils, hot and cold deserts, hot springs and salty water.
Increased levels of oxygen in the atmosphere due to photosynthesis caused rates of weathering to increase which help in the formation of soil. Oxygen directly take part in the chemical weathering of rocks through the process of oxidation. In this process, oxygen reacts with a substance present in the rock and forms oxides which will result in weathering.
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