Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are all Mammals. Whales usually are larger and slower in the water. Porpoises normally do not have a pronounced beak as a dolphin would. Dolphins have a curved dorsal fin. Dolphins and Porpoises are extremely intelligent. They are warm-blooded. All dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins. Different animals live in different areas. Killer whales are adapted to colder areas, and they stay in the colder water. Bottlenose dolphins are best suited for warmer areas such as the Atlantic Ocean, so they will have less body fat or flubber because they live in a warmer climate. The Killer Whale will need more body fat because of the colder temperatures. They have smooth bodies to help them swim. They have tiny hairs, but as they age, the hair disappears. They can stay underwater longer based on their breathing and extract oxygen from water; they make super high pitch noises that Bounce off objects in the water Back towards the Dolphins to help determine the location; this is called Echolocation.
How does this diversity and adaptations differ from the diversity encountered on land?