13. Read the following passage from Canto XII of Dante's Inferno, in which Dante and Virgil encounter the Minotaur, and then view William Blake's illustration of this scene. [There lay outspread the infamy of Crete/ That was conceived within the bogus cow;/ And when he saw us, he bit into himself,/ Like someone whom wrath tears up from inside. . . . [Virgil says,] "Go off, you beast! this man does not approach/ Instructed by your sister but comes here/ In order to observe your punishments. "/ Just as the bull breaks loose right at that moment/ When he has been dealt the fatal blow/ And cannot run but jumps this way and that,/ So I saw the Minotaur react. ] What detail does Blake's illustration add to Dante's description of the Minotaur? Captionless Image A. The Minotaur is portrayed as a victim. B. The Minotaur is portrayed as a wild beast. C. Dante cowers behind Virgil. D. Virgil confronts the Minotaur.